our activities

Billy Youth Engagement Project Easter 2022, young people came up with the idea of making cakes and waffles. Few girls showed their cooking skills and others were playing basketball. It was fun to see so many youths engaged in the kitchen to make the event successful.

April 2021 we had an amazing online quiz project during COVID. Young people participated with parents online to discuss general knowledge and shared experiences of COVID 19. Participants enjoyed the games and 5 families had a £50 toiletries prize for finishing on top.

BYEP picnic
July 2021: Young people came together to have fun in local parks and play football with their families as the country was coming out of national lockdown. It was a beautiful event as young people saw their friends again for the first time after 15 months.

We celebrated the end of summer 2021 with families as young people organised lots of activities such as dominos, scrabbles, bouncing castle, football and photography competition. We had a nice barbecue made by youth as part of the event.
We hold regular events & workshops.
Join us on the next upcoming workshop
Recent workshops
Helping to decrease the isolation of young people, children, the youth and the disabled living in Haringey and Enfield and Surro0unding areas

Our Mission
“To provide support, advice and mentoring to young people in inhabitants of the London borough of Haringey and Enfield, and its neighbourhood in order to broaden their horizons and inspire them to achieve their full potential.”